After what may seem like an interminable slumber and having just retired from a career of software development, I am now enjoying the fruits of my labors. (For the record, this is different than when Herb Caen famously observed that the owner of
Finocchio's, where female impersonators were the staple act, lived "off the labors of his fruits".) In any event, I land upon these sandy shores with a healthy list of projects and opportunities to push out my wonderful experiences in electronics and QRP. What lays before me are hopefully idyllic days of building, soldering, testing and operating.
Note to visitors: I shall close the loop on the ARN/UM-25D cleanup (done many moons ago) and the wrap-up of the One-Watter series later. In the mean time, herewith is a post re the nascent project being started by Chuck Adams and the QRP-Tech folks (citations hereinafter) are doing to honor the 25th anniversary of Wayne Burdick's NorCal 40A QRP rig. These are preliminary shots for the benefit of my bud, WB6JDH, who will join me and others in scrounging and building these beasts. Our aim will be to do an "SnS" (Scrounger and Solder) of the 30 meter version of this as outlined by W0CH (
main page here and
30-meter version here.)
Here are the pics of the QRP-Tech boards and my original TRW Swap Meet NorCal 40A find as a reference and for Dick to survey:
Top of QRP-Tech Board |
Bottom of QRP-Tech Board (Flipped to Right) |
Close-up of Q7A area |
Close-up of Q7A Area |
Small Pinholes? |
More Small Pinholes? |
Original Wilderness Radio NorCal 40 Front View |
Original Wilderness Radio NorCal 40 |
Original Wilderness Radio NorCal 40 |
Original Wilderness Radio NorCal 40 |
Original Wilderness Radio NorCal 40 |
Original Wilderness Radio NorCal 40 |
Original Wilderness Radio NorCal 40 |