Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Ugly Weekender Project is being revived..

I am afraid a while ago, I abandoned Alan, N8WQ, to carry this project on alone. But I have scraped a hole in my busy schedule and am resuming this effort.  Alan started up his blog entries and has made impressive progress. Also, he is far more disciplined than I -- he builds a smidge, tests, builds a smidge more, and tests. Me? I stuff and solder everything, put the coal to it, and WHEN it does not work, I call in WB6JDH, bribe him with a Philly's cheese steak and beer and he hauls my ass out of the fire.

All three of the FAR boards are stuffed and I will start winding the coils and transformers today. In the mean time, here are some preliminary photos:


FAR PA Board

FAR Receiver Board be continued.