Saturday, January 11, 2014

My Icom IC-745 is being offered for sale

UPDATE! Old Betsy has been sold and is going to a great home. The gentleman who purchased it has probably one of the more extensive radio collections going and a fantastic QTH in the mountains somewhere. (Since I have not asked nor have been given his o.k. to pass along pictures he sent me, I prefer to maintain his anonymity.) He said he was going to upgrade her with a keyer board and some other Piexx accoutrements. Nonetheless, I loved my old IC-745 as it reminded me of one my dad had. But it was time to move on and the IC-7200 looks promising. Although -- truth be told -- I realized when I was packing it up, that the IC-745 was almost the excact same size as the IC-7200.

Had I known that, would I have kept Old Betsy? Probably not. The IC-7200 is easier to interface for digital modes and has that marvelous filtering system on board.

Anyway, she'll enjoy her time in the mountains, I am sure.

. . .
Here's the poop:
(1) It's immaculate.
(2) It has he Piexx board installed so there's no worries of it losing its mind.
(3) It was just up to MTS Ham Radio Repair in Washington last month. More below.
(4) It puts out 60-100 watts on 160-10 meters. See pictures below.
(5) Includes a power cord, the original operator manual, and a CD with a service manual on it.
(6) It does NOT come with a power supply but runs fine with a SAMLEX switcher or a 12 VDC gel cell.
(7) Did I mention it's immaculate?
Scott Malcom of MTS went through this radio stem-to-stern in November, tweaked it up, and certified it was up to spec. It pus out power as follows on all the bands:
(1) 160 Meters at 90 watts
(2) 80 meters at 95 watts
(3) 40 meters at 85 watts
(4) 30 meters at 80 watts
(5) 20 meters at 80 watts
(6) 17 meters at 60 watts
(7) 15 meters at 70 watts
(8) 12 meters at 70 watts
(9) 10 meters at 80 watts
..and this was using a gel cell with a charge of 12.7 VDC ~~ NOT 13.8 VDC.

I am asking a starting bid of $425. I figure the packing and shipping costs will be about $40. I don't have to tell you that the Bird 43, dummy load, and the cables are NOT included in the sale, do I?

Here are the pictures with the power readings:

Front view of rig set up for test.

160 Meters at 90 watts

80 meters at 95 watts

40 meters at 85 watts

30 meters at 80 watts

20 meters at 80 watts

17 meters at 60 watts

15 meters at 70 watts

12 meters at 70 watts

10 meters at 80 watts

..and a clean bottom..

..and a clean top..

..left side is clean..

..and the right side..

..and the face is clean..

..on the left side..

..and the right.

Overall view of the face.

With cord and manual.

..and the back.