Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas..and Chirp, my ass!

Firstly, a Merry Christmas to all visiting here! Sorry to be so irreverent -- especially on a Christmas morn, but I wanted to post some pictures and an explanation and woke up a little grumpy. Perhaps this is how my day will play out:

..anyway, to get to the point. Chirp is a freebie software project that is wonderfully simple and direct in its implementation but I was having some difficulties getting it to work with my Yaesu FT60R. Succinctly, the Chirp software was able to read the code plug from my FT60. The symptoms I was reporting were that the "the upload to radio" dialog came up with the Vendor and Model edit boxes coming up disabled and for some reason, the "OK" button was disabled as well. In fiddling with the software this morning, it allowed me to click OK which sent me to the upload instruction dialog. Following instructions, I dutifully clicked through it and pressed got the radio into "CLONE" mode and pressed the "MON" button whereupon the software reported a communication error. This was done several times without success.

Below are a sequence of pictures that describe what I am talking about. I will leave it at this: it's a wonderful piece of freeware but I am not presently disposed to track down and resolve why it will not write to my FT60R. I do not plan on rolling back any drivers, install any operating system patches or get any new cables. The main reason is that I already have Bob Freeth's marvelous programs for each of the Yaesu radio types I own (an FT60R, 2 VX-150s, an FT7900, an FT2900, and an FT-817) and they work flawlessly.

Were I not so bountifully appointed, I would pursue a resolution more diligently.

Happy Yule, y'all.